Sunday, March 23, 2014

So Nice...Let's Have it Twice

Last week I posted about being intimidated by spaghetti squash.  And I realize that is totally absurd.  I've decided to make up for lost time...we added another dish to the menu featuring this golden goodness.  Once again, a very simple, healthy and tasty treat.  I'm not going all Iron Chef America or anything, but I can unequivocally say that my fear of the squash is, well, squashed.  Oh come on...I had to!

What You'll Need
1 package of spinach
1 medium sized squash(about 2 lbs)
1lb of ground turkey 

1/3 cup of Parmesan cheese
Diced tomatoes (the original recipe didn't call for them, but I added them and boy was I glad I did!)

What You'll Do
Cut the squash in half, lengthwise
Scoop out the seeds and place it, seed-side-down, in a 9x13 baking pan

Fill the pan with about 1/2 inch of water and cover with foil
Bake at 450 for 45 minutes; uncover, turn squash over, recover, and bake another 15 minutes  (I've heard you can nuke the squash for 7-10 minutes, saving time, but I've not tried that method)

When it's done, let it cool a little and then shred that sucker up!

While that's baking, brown the turkey in a blend of Italian seasonings.  Toss in the spinach to wilt it slightly.

Layer the squash in a 9x13 pan, topped with half of the cheese.  Add the turkey and spinach, and, if you'd like, the tomatoes

Top with remaining cheese and bake, uncovered, for about 15 minutes to heat it through...although you probably don't really HAVE to do this step since everything's cooked.

We served this with a tossed salad and (gulp!) garlic had been a long time since we had garlic bread and OMG did it taste fantastic.  In fact, this whole meal did.  It was easy, light and pretty quick.

This was actually a date night meal for me and the Hubs.  Abby had a date with Nunny and Papa, so we had a rare meal just the two of us.  I have to say, while we enjoyed that for sure, we also missed Abby's chitter chatter!  The things that run through her head at dinner time....
Hope you enjoy this dish and add it to your repertoire.  It's all about trying new things! 

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