Monday, March 17, 2014


There are plenty of times in life when you shift.  I'm talking all the way back to the days where you went from crawling to walking to running.  Or when you went from being a senior in high school to being a freshman in college.  How about being a girlfriend or boyfriend and then becoming a fiance and then a wife or husband?  There are lots of times when things shift; your perspective changes, how things are defined become totally different and the rules of the game are suddenly called into question.

We don't always notice those shifts.  Sometimes they're far more subtle.  The pair of pants that's "suddenly" too tight or the hair that needs a haircut "overnight."  Those things happened little by little, but we barely noticed.  Because life is hectic and busy and overwhelming at times and can whiz by us at an alarmingly fast pace.

But sometimes we're blessed enough, present enough, to be fully aware of a profound shift.  Today is one of those days for me.  Today, I am 21 weeks pregnant with Sprout (We're a "find out when baby comes out" kind of family, hence the gender-neutral nickname. Our daughter, while in the womb, was Squirt.  Now that you know the back story...).  That means that I, officially, have fewer weeks of pregnancy ahead of me than I do behind me...shift!  I'm officially more than halfway done?  Wait, that's not the right word.  Halfway to delivery?  No, that's not it either.  And halfway to gestational completion sounds like a biology text.  Whatever the right word, you get the point.  I'm more than halfway along this journey.  Shift.

So what?  Big deal.  Well, actually yes.  It is a big deal.  It's a milestone that I really want to think about.  It's special.  It's important.  And it deserves its own moment (in between all the other moments that any given day brings).  I spent some time today, reflecting on this pregnancy thus far.  I'm blessed---so very, very blessed---that it's been uneventful and healthy.  I'm thrilled to have felt so good and strong and able---even if I'm a little more tired than normal (and anyone who knows me knows how much I hate being tired!).  

As a Beachbody Coach, I am proud that I've still been exercising (with modifications when necessary) and eating well---if you're in the same boat as me, let's chat!  There's no need to fall into the "eat for two" trap just because you can.  Sprout seems to love Shakeology and has no objections to a good 21 Day Fix workout with Autumn et al.  All good things that help me feel that much more connected to this little bugger--because I'm already being a Mom to him or her even before we're formally introduced!

Last week, we informally met Sprout during our ultrasound.  Shift.  We saw our baby.  Right there on the screen.  One minute we had no image, the next POOF, there was Sprout, alive and well!  All good there, too...thank you, God!  Abby came along and was super attentive and curious about the experience. At one point, when we got an incredibly clear shot of both of Sprout's hands, I got emotional thinking that the next time I see those hands I'll be holding them. "Quick, Dada, get her a tissue," she whispered.  Of course that only intensified the happy tears.  What can I say?

Sure, I may be a tad frustrated that clothes don't fit properly (thank you JESUS for belly bands and shared maternity clothes) or that sometimes a Sunday afternoon nap takes priority over cleaning out a closet or catching up on some reading.  I'm not a fan of the random bouts of insomnia that have cropped up--but I do try to be productive in them (so watch out if you see a blog come through at some kooky hour!) and the nuances of ligaments and scar tissue stretching are a little less than ideal.  But I'm not complaining.  

I am relishing all the parts of this journey.  I'm sitting quietly with my hand on my stomach, knowing that I'm part of something incredible in these moments. And I'm aware that all too soon it will end.  And that's it.  I won't feel the flutters of first movements from the inside.  I won't watch my belly expand (and shrink!) to accommodate life!  It's a miracle that lasts just 9 months.  Nine short months, in the grand scheme of life.  Are some days longer than others?  You betcha.  But nine months flies and then, in a moment, you're holding the life you created and nothing else matters. Shift. 

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