Sunday, January 19, 2014

All Over the Map

It's January 19 and I'm sitting at my computer on a very cold, albeit sunny, afternoon.  And I'm feeling particularly guilty.  Like, Catholic missing a mass guilty.  And I'm not really Catholic anymore.  But that's another blog entry altogether.  Regardless, I'm finding myself muttering, "Bless me Blogosphere for I have stalled.  It's been nearly three weeks since my last entry."  I'm awaiting my penance like a good little girl.  Sigh.

I really don't know why I haven't made the time to write.  I've got good topics (yes, that's purely my opinion) jotted down in my journal.  I've got oodles of starter sentences and even a couple that morphed into paragraphs.  Yet, there they remain.  Inexplicably, trapped inside a worse-for-the-wear journal that goes pretty much everywhere I go.

But I'm fairly certain you did NOT click on this blog to read about that.  Nor do you probably care where I've been.  I thought about creating a fancy scenario in which I had been wrongfully imprisoned in some foreign country for speaking my mind.  But that didn't sound plausible enough.  I haven't traveled much lately, and you'd see right through that one.  The reality, the far-less-sexy reality, is that I simply didn't MAKE the time to write.  Shame on me, I know.  And what happens as a result of that?  A Potpourri Post!  So get ready--this puppy's going to be random, all over the map and probably pretty closely resembling my train of thought most days!  What?  You know you do that, too!  And look, it says so right up's OKAY!

Here we go.  The New Year started off well enough.  Couple days back to the office to ease on into working life again after an extended Christmas break.  Then it was right back into the normal swing with school, work, birthday parties, and one more Christmas celebration.  Because we just didn't have enough in December!  But really, this one was super fun; we gathered at my Mom's house to make pasta and pizza from scratch.  The making was nearly as entertaining as the eating, I can tell you that much.  Especially when you factor in that there's no Italian blood in any of us!

And then, almost like another Christmas in and of itself, Super Saturday.  Super Saturday is a day for Beachbody Coaches to come together to learn, to celebrate and to connect.  I had been to one other event like this before, but this one blew my socks off.  There were over 350 people in a ballroom of a major hotel in town.  That's 350 like-minded people, all committed to our mission statement which is, "Help people achieve their goals and enjoy a healthy, fulfilling life."  Read that again--it's powerful.  Each word, deliberately chosen.  Not "live a" but "enjoy a"  Splitting hairs?  I don't think so.

As a Beachbody Coach, I've come to appreciate a lot of seemingly subtle differences just like that.  It's the phrasing a person uses when describing him or herself.  What once was, "I'm trying to...." becomes, "I am..." and where "I always struggle with..." once used to be, now "I used to think xyz was impossible" now resides.  It's the minor change in how someone tunes into his or her body when it comes to eating.  It's really paying attention to how certain foods make you feel.  Those differences lie in learning to recognize hunger over boredom, thirst over hunger and progress over perfection.  What gifts.

Another gift I've gotten is re-learning how to set goals.  Sounds like a skill one would not, could not (should not) lose, right?  Yeah.  Sure does.  But I did.  I got kind of lazy (gasp!) about where I was headed or what I wanted.  I mean, life was good, right? Why mess with that?  But I found a way to "mess" with it that was actually helpful.

It took some time, but I crafted a list of 26 goals for the year.  Some are more concrete than others.  For example, "Blog 2-3x a week" is more concrete (and yes, I totally get the irony here!) than say, "More unplugged family time" which can be a little vague.  In any event, these goals are proudly displayed next to my computer with several motivational quotes right along side them.  My family can see them every day, as can I, and that holds me more accountable.  Each day, I review them and try to consciously make choices that help me towards them.  Because that's really what it's about, right?  Choices.  Abby and I have that conversation a few times a week; you can have my iPhone on the way home OR you can watch one show after your tubby.  I have to admit; sometimes she is far better at making a choice (and the right one at that) than I am!

And one more gift---reconnecting with personal development on a daily basis.  This is one of the Three Vital Behaviors successful Beachbody Coaches are encouraged to engage in each and every day.  And (again, gasp!) I've gotten away from it.  And again, (gasp!) I have no real good reason.  Not going to be the case in 2014.  Right there on my goal board, it states, "One PD book every month!"  I even have plans of starting a virtual book club with some other Coaches so we can share what we're reading and--more importantly--what we're learning and how we're applying that. 

Goal-setting and learning like this is something I miss terribly.  Don't get me wrong; both of those things still happen, but not in as profound or deliberate a way.  Sure, I make it a goal to get out of the house each morning without spilling my shake or uttering curse words when we're running late.  And yes, I learn (at least 3 times a week) that even with the best laid plans, we're going to be late when there's a curious, striving-to-be-independent 4.5 year old helping to run the show. 

Carving out time to read every day has been so wonderful.  I consider considered reading a luxury (I cannot seem to sit and turn the pages of a book without feeling incredibly indulgent and guilty about the many other things I could/should be doing), but I've learned to see it as a necessity to help me grow.  And the growth is as much personal as it is professional which allows me to lump reading into the category of multi-tasking, thereby making me feel much better about it.  See how that works out?  Besides, I'm not just reading---I'm highlighting and taking notes.  So there's that!

I suppose that's enough "all over the mapping" for one day.  And I really didn't even get into family or work too much.  Guess it's a good thing I plan to blog 2-3x a week, because that should provide me with plenty of opportunities to fill you in on those pieces of the juggle.

For now, it's time to share my meal plan, get my Challengers motivated for the work we have ahead of us (starts tomorrow!) and do a little more reading.  Orrrrrrrrrrrrr I may get in some of that unplugged time and read some books with Abby.  Tune in next time to see what I choose!

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