Thursday, November 28, 2013

Reasons Why I'm Thankful....not *exactly* what you're thinking

A few years ago, a former colleague introduced me to the idea of posting something for which I'm grateful.  Every single day.  For the entire month of November.  It sounds tough at first, but then you realize that you do have tons of blessings.  So the tough part becomes making sure the things you post are meaningful and all that jazz.  "I'm grateful for my family" trumps "I'm grateful for these cute shoes I got on sale."  No one wants to look (gasp!) shallow, right? 

This morning, after reading a blog along the same lines, I thought I'd toss out a few of the less-than-deep side of why I'm grateful.  Bet you can nod along to some (many?) of these.  The woman who wrote the post that inspired this one noted that she was grateful for a bathroom door.  With a functioning lock.  Moms around the world, you know that'd be top of your list, too!  I am in total agreement, myself, but I can't steal her list---just borrowing her idea.

Pillsbury Pie Crusts.  Okay, judge if you must, but those puppies are great and they save me a ton of time. Of course, I use said free time to create some kind of Pinterest-worthy craft and clean my stove top with a baby toothbrush to get every nook and cranny "fresh-from-the-factory" clean.  Yeah.  No.  I use the pie crusts to save time and use that time to chill.  I'm serving pies to my family, and while I love them dearly, I'm pretty sure they're too busy eating to care whether or not I labored over a from-scratch crust.  

Turbo Fire.  This is a fantastic workout and an excuse to carve out some very needed "me" time.  Just because I didn't kill myself rolling out dough does not mean I don't need a break.  Am I right?  So I head downstairs to our "gym" (also known as the basement where, at any given time, there is a fort constructed out of a blanket, play mats, bungee cords and weights) and sweat it all out with some great music and motivating trainer.  Not only do I feel great when I'm done (and sometimes because I'm done!), I know I'm setting a great example for my family; health (mental and physical) is important.   

Pinterest.  This one is tricky.  Sometimes I want to delete the app from my phone and never venture towards that scripty red P ever again.  And yet other times, it's my salvation.  I'm creative and all, but it sure is helpful to borrow ideas here and there.  Sure, I would have eventually thought to stack a candle onto layers of uncooked beans, rice and corn inside of large glass hurricanes to make a centerpiece...eventually.  But not in time for this Thanksgiving.  And they'd look severely out of place at Christmas, would they not?  So thanks, Pinterest, for showing me all that I could/should be doing (she said sarcastically).

Facebook.  Same as Pinterest; it's the sword that cuts both ways.  Love it, hate it, hate to love it.  I'm glad that I can log on and see what others are grateful for.  I'm glad I can, with one post, send all of my friends a Thanksgiving blessing.  I'm glad I've "met" some great people I now consider friends, despite never being in the same room (or city, or state!) as one another.  Yes, Facebook, you can be a real time suck, but you've got some upside, too!

Flannel Sheets.  I finally caved, about a week ago, and switched to flannel sheets.  While it may have been the wisest decision I've made in a while (outside of using store bought pie crusts and snatching my centerpiece idea from Pinterest), it also reminded me why I wait so long to do it.  Not only is that act officially conceding that winter is coming (Three cheers for that.  Or not.), but those things are Kryptonite to my alarm clock.  It goes off and I am pretty sure my sheets wrap themselves around my legs, my pillowcase gently pushes my head down....I simply cannot get up.  Not easily anyway, and not without some seriously longing looks at my bed as I walk away.  The pull to get back in for "just one more cuddle" is as powerful as, well, I don't know...but it's best to hurry up and make the bed before I can look at them again!   Did I mention that my daughter's bed also dons flannel sheets?  Yeah---double dose of deadly.  And P.S.  Why must flannel sheets always have snowflakes and snowmen on them?  Clearly we know that it's cold.  I'd like to cozy up to flannel sheets with palm trees and flip flops on them---give a girl some hope of what's too come, why don't ya!?

Socks, Slippers and Boots.  I'm a girl who loves her pedicures.  Yes, I am.  But I'm 100% fine with the idea that no one has to see my feet from say, October until May.  So unpainted and unfussed-over my feet shall be during those months.  Sure, I slather on foot cream and put on thick, warm socks so they're not totally alligator-esque come May, but there is a great sense of relief in not having to stay on top of polish and filing and blah blah blah.  No, it's not a terribly tasking chore, but you know as well as I do that unkempt piggies sticking out of a flip flop or a peep toe are just unacceptable.  Giving my feet a few months off to hideout in all their bare glory inside my boots and slipper socks is a little gift I give to them.

Because I Said So.  Not the movie, although it is a cute flick, but the words.  I'll admit it, I'm not always on my A game when it comes to being a Mommy.  Yuck.  And, from time to time, the best answer in the moment is the age-old, "Because I said so."  Before the words are out of my mouth, I am regretting them.  I know better.  My daughter deserves better.  And I don't let her get away with "because" as a response to a question I've posed to her.  Because I said so usually stops the whole conversation, we both take a few seconds, and then come back, better and more open.  Usually.  Every now and again, it's the reason and that's that.  I'm a Mom who uses store-bought pie crusts for heaven's sake.  What do you expect?

Sally Hansen Insta-Dri nail polish (In Slick Slate).  I'm guessing Sally is a Mom?  Who in the world has time to sit around, fingers poised in the air to avoid the dreaded smudge, and wait for a manicure to dry?  God Bless this lady and her invention.  The polish goes on like a dream, truly dries in a snap.  My feet may get the luxury of a  few months off, but these hands aren't being hidden in gloves.  I get to treat myself to a relaxing manicure and, within 5 minutes, I'm free to answer the "Mooommmmmmmmmmmy, I'm donnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnne." call.  You know the one. 

Quiet Time.  When I get it.  Which is rarely, hence the deep, deep gratitude. I love my husband and my daughter beyond measure, but if I can have the house to myself for more than 10 minutes, I'm almost too awe-struck to move.  Remember the mention of a locking bathroom door? Yeah--it's like that.  Only bigger.

Sweater Dress.  What a lovely invention for Thanksgiving dinner, don't you think?  The sophistication of a dress, the comfort of PJs.  It's brilliant as far as I'm concerned.  And I'm pretty excited about wearing it, I won't lie.  

China.  The dishes, not the country.  Although I suppose I should be grateful for the country, too.  Sure.  Why not?  I love using my china; we use it every chance we get.  I'm all about that whole "life itself is a special occasion" thing.  I don't want to save my china for some fancy-schmancy ordeal.  We use it.  And we love it.  Well, to be fair, I'm sure Mark could care less about it, really.  So I'll edit.  I love it.  And I even love washing it.  If you didn't think I was crazy before, feel free to slap the label on me now.  There is something about a huge stack of dirty dishes and a sinkful of hot, soapy water that brings out my OCD.  I stack the dirty dishes "just so" before I even begin.  The mess has to be organized before I try to deal with it, and then when it's done?  All that sparkle and shine, neatly placed on the island to be put away?  Bring.  It.  On.  (the dishes and the eyerolls; I know you're doing it!)

Wooby Pants.  And finally, what list of mine would be complete without paying homage to wooby pants.  When the dishes are done, and the sweater dress has been hung up (okay, tossed on the floor in the closet!  Gosh!!), this girl likes to acquaint herself  with a pair of super soft, totally broken in, and only-to-be-worn-in-the-house wooby pants.  Throw in some spa socks and an oversized sweatshirt, throw my hair in a messy bun and I'm set.  

Clearly, the list could go on.  And, it should go without saying, I'm incredibly grateful for "real" stuff too (although I dare anyone to argue the realness of the kind of gratitude that wooby pants can bring) like my husband and my daughter.  I'm grateful for all of my family.  That we all are healthy.  That we're employed--well, my parents are retired, so....I'm grateful for our home and the food we'll share this afternoon (and again this evening, and probably tomorrow, too). I'm glad we'll be together and I'm really glad they'll all keep their judgements about my pies to themselves.

Have a very happy Thanksgiving. 
Be sure to count your blessings.

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