Friday, April 15, 2016

REflect REfresh REnew

It's Day #4 of the Refresh.  And I know what you're thinking.  "She's lost her mind.  It's the THREE Day Refresh, there is no day #4."  Well, you're right.  Technically.  I'll explain.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week I treated myself (yes,treated myself!) to this amazing product.  The 3DR is an excellent way to get back on track after a few too many whatevers and it's also a great way to expedite the process of losing a little weight and feeling better if you have a big event coming up.

For me, this Refresh was as much symbolic as it was strategic.  I am starting a new job on Monday, and this seemed like a perfect way to get rid of excess---in so many ways.  It was something I could control.  It was something I could see through from start to start again.

My take on it?  It's a sacrifice, sure.  But aren't a lot of things worth having worth sacrificing for?  Excuse the horrendous grammar there, please.  So Day #4 is the day when we see if the sacrifice was worth it---and the results worth sharing.  Day #4, to me, is the critical day.  It's also the day you're allowed to eat "normally" again, though the goal is that "normal" is redefined.

A couple notes for you on this.  First of all, this is the second time I did the Refresh.  I had some knowledge of how it'd go, but I did my best to go into this round with a clean slate and no lofty expectations.

This Refresh is not a cleanse that leaves you locked in the bathroom for 3 days.  Nope.  Not the way it works.  It's also not a starvation game that leaves you miserable and lethargic.  Not in the least.  In fact, during the Refresh, I have more energy than normal and my sleep quality is significantly better.

Which brings me to the last note I want to share before I divulge my results.  I found myself much more aware of how I felt when I fueled my body properly.  It matters.  And you may not think it does, but oh my goodness the difference.  I didn't feel groggy or sore when I woke up.  I didn't feel as agitated or annoyed.  Food is a powerful drug/weapon---used properly, it can be an incredible asset.

Alright, so here's the scoop....I lost 4lbs and 2" during this round.  In 3 days.  And maybe that doesn't seem like a lot, let's reframe it.  That's 4 packages of butter.  If it still doesn't seem like much, I challenge you to carry around 4 packages of butter for the next 3 days---and see how it feels to put them down.  Again; not a whopper of a number, but enough.  I am 8 pounds away from my goal weight, so I knocked HALF of that off in 3 days.

What's more, I'm now more motivated to shed the last 4 AND I'm more convinced than ever that my mindless eating or poor choices were exactly that---CHOICES!  And I don't need to make them again.  I'm not talking about going cold turkey and giving up any and all indulgences, but I am talking about being a whole lot more mindful of the choices I do make.  For me, that's the most important part of this process; it's the mental refresh that will sustain all the physical refreshing I want and need to do. 
I said this was a treat.  And it was.  Sure, I was a little hungry, and sure, I had a little cheat--banana chips!! A far cry from other junk I could have chosen!!--on Day #2 and Day #3, but I committed and conquered the 3 days.  And I feel better.  I'm proud of myself and glad I gave myself this gift--it's easy to get lost in the shuffle and forget to take the best care of ourselves.

Whatever you goals are, whatever your refresh need may be, I'd be happy to chat more about this product and how it can help.  Feel free to reach out--I'd love that!  You can also check out this video for more details. 
3 Day Refresh Video

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