Tuesday, December 22, 2015

One for You, Two for Me

Do you guys do this too?  You're out to buy a gift for someone and you come home with that gift plus a couple things for you?  Please tell me I'm not the only one.  Or if you're making cookies and you ice one, eat one?  We fall into that trap of "If it's good for you, it must be good for me, too!" from time to time.

So I have a proposal for you.  What if you applied that mentality to working out.  Seriously.  Studies show that working out with a friend is a good idea.  I know that doesn't sound real scientific, but truthfully, it's not a real tough concept to grasp.  Right?

Think about it.  You have a hair appointment tomorrow at 1:30.  Your hairdresser is waiting for you.  Do you bail?  Not show up just because?  Do you decide to bag it and figure you'll do it tomorrow?  No.  I think not.  So there's accountability that comes from working out with a friend.  You've made a date and you're not going to leave him or her standing there waiting, are you?  Surely you were raised better than that!

And then there's the fun factor.  Duh. 

Laughing burns calories, too, ya know!  How much fun is it to spur one another on?  To challenge one another to do one more rep or improve your form or take the weights up a notch?  Fun stuff.  Friendly competition and instant recognition for how hard you're working are great benefits. 

Working out with a friend also introduces you to new moves or programs.  We're not all addicted to cardio and we're not all comfortable tossing iron around.  When you workout with someone who follows a different program, you get a glimpse of something new and you may even (gasp!) try it.  Not to mention the idea of doing partner exercises like crunches with a medicine ball pass.  Can't really do those alone now can you?

How about the idea that you'll usually push yourself harder because someone else is there doing it with you.  Safely and within proper limits, of course, but think about any group class you've ever taken.  Are you that girl in the back, praying no one is watching you slink down to the floor in a neon-covered puddle of sweat?  Even if you are, the very idea that you don't want anyone to see you do so is proof that we want to do our best to keep up.

And when you're done working out, chances are that pal isn't going to let you head straight for a burger.  She's going to walk with you to a cute cafe where you'll order salads and talk about the goofballs at the gym.  Right?

Don't get me started on the gym.  I once was a regular.  Every day after work, my hubby and I would meet at the gym and workout for about an hour (see, that accountability thing is for real).  I never had a great system, instead I'd hop from open machine to open machine and kind of hodgepodge my way through a workout, ending with some cardio.  It wasn't really efficient.  I had a trainer for a while, but...cha-ching!

Once kiddos came on the scene, getting to the gym was more of a chore than anything, and I couldn't justify working all day then leaving my kids again so I could workout.

I tried various On Demand workouts on my TV.  They didn't quite do it for me.  Once again, I was far too random with them and I was getting lazy about doing them because I was on my own with it.

When I found Beachbody, I knew I was onto something that was going to (gasp!) work!!  I had the best of all worlds; I had a trainer right there on the DVDs...I didn't have to leave my house...I had a routine/schedule to follow...I worked out with friends...talk about a winning formula.

So I'll go back to the premise of my proposal; let's "one for you, one for me" our way into the New Year with a plan and a pal.  I've seen a ton of pictures lately of friends together for the holidays.  And I've gotten cards with greetings like "Wishing you a happy, healthy holiday season."  Let's embrace that.

Those friends in the picture?  Invite them to come along.  Who cares that you're only together, in person, once a year?  Through the beautiful magic of Facebook, we can create a group and workout in there together.  I love getting sweaty selfies of friends from Indiana, California, Florida and beyond.

Those people who sent the card with healthy wishes?  Invite them as well.  Bet no one is hoping they'll be heavier come December of 2016.  Bet everyone would love to know they're doing an awesome thing for themselves (and their loved ones) by being in great shape.

Those people who'll be sitting beside you at dinners, brunches and parties?  Invite them along, too.  Inspire them with a healthy choice, a moderation-style selection at the buffet. 

That person who's super hard to buy for?  Why not invest in their health with a workout, Shakeology, Coaching support or all three?  And it's not sending a "Hey, Fatty.  Get off your butt in the New Year!" note.  It's more of a "I want you to live your healthiest life, and I want to do the same.  Let's do that together." note.  But I guess, be careful, because that could be misunderstood as a proposal of a whole different kind.

Bottom line...working out with a friend is better than going solo.  And I have a pretty slick way to make it all happen.  I'll be launching an online group on January 11.  I'd love for you to be in it with me. 

It's called "Getting Better Together" and that's exactly what its aim is.  Please join us.

Warmest holiday wishes,
