Sunday, December 20, 2015

A Few of My Favorite Things....

These are a few of my favorite things....

We all know the song...and I bet some of us are singing it right now.  No?  Okay, just me then.  Whatever.  Remember, this is a place where there's no judging.

Hearing that song several times lately with the holidays upon us made me think about tossing together my own list.  Not that I have anything against "girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes" or "brown paper packages tied up with strings."  Not at all.  

This is hardly a complete list and thoroughly random (what did  you expect?) but it made me happy to create it.  I hope it makes you happy to read it.  That would also make me happy.  Now, the list (in no particular order, and the omission of something on this list does not, in any way, reflect my feelings on said omission--so we're clear!):

1.  LaCroix water.  Yeah, I know.  That's a goofy one.  But I do love the stuff.  I get my water in, a nice little taste of flavor and no guilt.  That's a win all the way around, don't you agree?  I especially love when it's on sale.  Helllllo, stockpile!

2.  Great customer service.  How can you not love great customer service?  Especially lately when it seems to be in relatively short supply.  I recently made a purchase (shopped small!) through a website and was blown away by how helpful, fun and courteous the gal was who helped me.  She even tucked a personalized note into the package---that arrived before its intended due date.  Man, that makes me happy!

3.  Kind words.  A compliment, sincere and unprompted, is one of the best gifts to receive---and to give, for that matter. It just plain feels good to hear someone say something kind about you or something you've done or made.  But kind words don't have to be compliments.  A simple "Bless you" when someone sneezes or a genuine, "I'm sorry" when you're wrong or someone has experienced some form of heartache or frustration.  And let's not forget the 3 magic words..."Please" and "Thank you" that go miles.  Miles I tell ya! 

4.  Sally Hansen InstaDri nail polish; I've written about this gem before, but it cannot be overstated.  It's exactly what it says it is; instantly dry.  And allows my hands to look instantly less beat up and more, well, polished.  

5.  Watching football (or any sport, really) with my husband.  I love how he gets into the game, calls penalties before the refs and coaches from the couch.  Doesn't hurt that I am not a total idiot when it comes to sports, so we can enjoy them intelligently together (if that makes sense), too.

6.  A loud, full house.  There is something about the sound of your favorite people filling your home with their voices, laughter and stories.  It gets loud, hot, even crowded from time to time, but it's so worth it to have everyone together.  I love having company, and I'm always sad when I close the front door behind the last of the guests as they leave.

7.  Being a Beachbody Coach.  It fulfills my desire to help others, follow fitness programs and live a healthy life while setting a great example for my family and friends.  All of that AND I earn money each week as a reward for doing something I love.  Being a Beachbody Coach is not a one size fits all kind of gig; some make it their full time job, others Coach in addition to other jobs and some are Coaches only to enjoy discounts on the amazing line of products and programs.  What's fantastic is that all of those routes are totally okay.  I'm so happy and thankful that I found this company and people a couple years ago; it's enriched my life far beyond any financial gain. 
I've got plans for 2016...and I'm pretty excited about them. 

8.  My girls when they're asleep.  And no, this is not a "Mommy needs a break" moment.  This is about the innocence and sweetness that is so consuming when they're sprawled out, safe, warm and secure.  It's watching the features of their faces for as long as I want to because they're still.  It's about whispering all the things I didn't get to say in the chaos and clutter of any given day, praying that they hear me, that the words sink into their heads and hearts.  It's sneaking into Abby's bed (Alyssa's too when she's out of a crib) and snuggling her warm little body, feeling her heartbeat and thanking God that I get to be her Mama. 

9.  Music.  Finding a new artist, really hearing the lyrics to a song I've heard a million times, dancing in the car, singing along---music makes me happy.  Even sad songs make me happy because they usually bring on one of those ugly-yet-cathartic cries we all need from time to time.  You know the ones.  I love hearing a song that reminds me of a person, a place, an adventure.  I love the flood of memories that comes from that, and I love how songs can communicate those memories and emotions so beautifully.

10.  Making lists.  Yup.  I went there.  The order, the structure and the organization a list brings...  The satisfying sound of checking things off (and yes, I've added something I've already done just so I can cross it out!) and keeping myself on track.  I have been known to write and rewrite a list when it gets too sloppy, too.  Lists.  Ohhh, how I love 'em.

Bet you know what's coming next.  Share some of your favorite things with me.  You know a lot about me, especially if you've read some of my other posts.  So, let's hear it.  What's your story?  I'm all ears...

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