So today was a perfectly miserable day in terms of weather...rainy, cold, grey. But it did give me a wonderful excuse to do the things I'd been putting off to enjoy the nice weather. Do you do that, too? Soak up every single second outside when the weather cooperates and then, on that not-so-nice day, you look around and realize you can't remember the last time you fed cleaned your pet dust bunnies? I'm not alone in this? Okay, good. Because I feel an impending avalanche of projects nipping at my's to a lot of snow days this winter!
But I digress....the real reason for this post is to share a recipe I found yesterday as I sat at the island, listening to the splatter splat of raindrops on the deck. Sounded like the perfect time to whip up something to chase away the dreariness. Not to mention that a friend and I have a little pumpkin challenge going between ourselves; the idea is to come up with at least one new pumpkin recipe each week and share with the other. She is to pumpkin what Bubba Gump is to shrimp--only she's much prettier!!
Crockpot Pumpkin Spice Lattes
8 T of pumpkin puree
8 T of vanilla
2 t of cinnamon
8 cinnamon sticks
4 cups of strongly brewed coffee
6 cups of milk
8 T of sugar*
Whipping cream [optional]
the milk and coffee, and pour into the crockpot. Whip together the other
ingredients [minus the cinnamon sticks and whipping cream] and pour
into the crockpot. Mix together well.
Cover the crockpot, and cook on high for 2 hours.
Serve in mugs. Generously put whipping cream on top of the lattes, and add a cinnamon stick for extra flavor.
Enjoy all you pumpkin lovers!
skipped the sugar, opting, instead, to add a scant amount to my own
once I ladled it out into a mug that fit oh-so-perfectly in my hands.
I also skipped the whipped cream; I know, I know!! Sigh.