Saturday, September 14, 2013


An older shot of Abby (and Tallulah, of course) cheering on those Pitt Panthers
You know you're in for a good day when your 4 year old wakes up on FRIDAY morning and says, "Mama?  Is it Friday?"  Thinking that there are no words sweeter, you exhale, smile and respond with an enthusiastic, "Yes!  Sure is."  Only to hear back, "So tomorrow is the Pitt football game!!!"  That last part was squealed at such a high pitch that there were 3 dogs on our deck within seconds.  

This kid has wanted to go to a football game for weeks.  She has carried the magnetic schedule around, waved pom poms in our faces and given us her best lower-lip-quivering "Pllllllleeeeeaaaassssse?" more than once.

So today, after dance class, we're heading off to Heinz Field to watch the Pitt Panthers take on New Mexico (??).  The weather is nothing short of perfect for football; crisp air, blue skies punctuated only by a puffy white cloud here and there.  Yep, this day is going to be pretty special.

As if that wasn't enough, Abby has just learned that we'll be taking the T* to the game...her 4 year old mind barely able to process all of the excitement.  I'm surprised she even slept last night, to be honest.  She did wake up just after 6am, her hair messy from sleep and her eyes still heavy, and bound into our room announcing that it's football day.  So there's that!

Thankfully, we've got a workout and a delicious breakfast to fuel us, because this child is not going to slow down all day.  And you know what, I'm totally okay with that.  Her enthusiasm is so pure, so genuine and so contagious...and who doesn't need more of that in their day.

Now, where did those pom poms go? 
Let's Go Pitt! 

*light rail service that goes under the river

Editor's note:  I'm a life-long Penn State fan (went to Elon), married to a Pitt fan.  It may or may not pain me to cheer for Pitt.  But for my husband and daughter, whom I love with all my heart, I suppose I can suck it up!  : )

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