Sunday, September 21, 2014


There are a zillion cliches bouncing around in my head right now...and I'm trying to refrain from using all of them in this post.  Let's see if I can do it.

At least once a week, I read the Beachbody mission statement...sure, I know it by heart, but I read it often to remind myself, to really absorb why I love Coaching.  For me, it's the first two words; HELP. PEOPLE.

Beachbody and its Coaches never lose sight of that key driver.  And that is why this company does such a fantastic job of developing new programs to reach new people, to offer new solutions and to bring new ideas to fitness.  Just when you think there isn't anything better, well... (wait, was that a cliche?).

So what's the latest?  Hold onto your hats and goggles, because these new programs are...well, I'll let you decide what adjectives you'd like to use.

First, we've got Tony Horton with his P90.  Seems like everyone has heard of P90x...and most folks get "that look" on their face when I mention it.  Sure, it's intense and challenging and all of that.  It's what we've come to expect of Tony, right? 


Enter P90.  In Tony's own words, it "is the result of everything I've learned in 20 years.  Here's the key . . . In as little as 25 minutes a day, P90 will help you completely change your body—not by working you harder—but by keeping it simple. Simple cardio. Simple resistance training. A simple approach to portion control. I won't say these new workouts are easy . . . but they're a whole lot easier to get done now. And that's how P90 will help you finally get the body you want."—Tony Horton Creator of P90X®, P90X2®, and P90X3® 

Next, just in time for the holidays, Shaun T is bringing Insanity Max :30.  Think T25 meets Insanity...and you meet what may be your biggest challenge.  But that means you may just meet what may be your biggest goals, too.  Funny how that works, eh!?  Shaun T has called these workouts "the hardest 30 minutes of your day" and I suspect there may be a few choice words used as you do them, but you'll earn one heck of a "Dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyym!" when you've completed the program.  I'm guessing, anyway!

And finally, our girl Autumn Calabrese is revving it up with the 21 Day Fix Extreme coming in February.  Same concepts, just kicked up a notch.  Check it out here from the girl herself!  She knows what she's doing, wouldn't you say?  This one will be out in February...just in time to help us break out of the winter doldrums and start thinking spring.


Which begs the question...what are YOU doing?  And how can I help?  Are you new to fitness?  Are you looking to drop a few pounds?  Are you interested in learning how to manage your eating a little better?  I would love to help with any and all of those goals.  Whether these new programs seem like the best fit or there's another one out there that's perfect for you---we can determine that together and get you on your way. 

Remember what I said in the beginning?  It's about HELPING PEOPLE.  Wherever you are in your health/fitness journey, wherever you need/want to be...I can help.  Challenge Groups can help.  Shakeology can help.  And, most importantly, YOU can help.  Your mindset, work ethic and dedication will be the biggest factors in your success.

I'm excited to share more information with you about these programs and I'm excited to learn more about YOU.  Let's chat they say, "there's no time like the present."  Damn...cliche!  Soooooooooooooo close!

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