Sunday, April 13, 2014

What's Up This Week

Ever look at your upcoming week as you shut down on Friday afternoon?  Ever get a sparkle in your eye because it doesn't look too full and crazy?  And then ever have the "Work Gremlins" sneak into your computer between Friday and Monday and add a whole bunch of meetings and projects?  Yeah.  Kinda stinks.

For weeks like that, I've found it even more essential to carve out some time to meal plan and prep in advance.  It saves time, and--most importantly--it saves me from making bad choices simply out of convenience.  Not to mention, Easter is next Sunday, and we're hosting.  That means each night this week, we'll invest a little time getting ready so we're ahead of the curve.  That doesn't leave a lot of time to labor over dinner.

This weekend, we got a jump-start and took care of our menu on Saturday rather than Sunday--it's simply too nice today to be stuck inside working.  Here's what's happening in our kitchen at dinnertime this week....

Spaghetti Squash Carbonara (cleaned up with turkey bacon and egg beaters)
Tossed Salad

Chicken Burrito Bowls with cilantro lime chicken
No Chipotle necessary...we're makin' Mexican IN!


Cheddar Spinach Chicken Burgers
We actually made these a couple weeks ago and froze some! 
As long as we remember to thaw them out in time, this will be a yummy and efficient dinner!
Wednesday least one day a week, we serve up a hodgepodge of whatever we've got in the fridge.  Again, in preparation for Easter, we're going super light this week!

Tuna Salad Wraps...Quick 'n Easy
Mark golfs, Abby has swim time to putz around on Thursdays!

Out..Date Night! (I know; I can't believe it either!)
More than likely, I'll whip up a Shakeology before we go out so I'm less tempted by the bar food.  Fortunately, drinking won't be an issue.  Water with lemon for this chick and Sprout, all night long!

Nothing tremendously novel here, but a couple new dishes that will hopefully end up in the "Make Again" pile!  What's happening in your kitchen this week? 

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