Monday, February 24, 2014

Wasn't Expecting THAT!

If you’ve read my blog before, you’ve likely heard me discuss the word perspective.  And more than the word, you’ve heard me discuss what it means to me.  I use that one simple---yet powerful---word as a constant reminder to maintain the right point of view.  It’s not always easy, and I don’t always succeed.  Do I gripe about things that I shouldn’t?  Yep.  Do I overreact from time to time, making the proverbial mountain out of a molehill?  Yep, sure do.  Not that I’m proud of doing so, but I’ll admit it.  I don’t always maintain proper perspective.
So when amazing people come into my life to teach me a lesson, I’m more than ready to listen and learn.  Recently, such a person came into my life through my role as a Beachbody Coach.  This young lady’s story took me totally by surprise and left me (me!!) speechless.
I first “met” her several months ago when she purchased Shakeology through me.  Being a consistent customer, I thought she might benefit from a 25% discount, so I approached her about that. And our conversations grew from there.  Recently, she reached out to let me know she had relocated, but was still interested in learning more about Beachbody.  A few questions later, I learned so much more than I ever anticipated about this amazing woman.
This chick described herself as a jock in high school, very athletic and competitive.  She’s run half marathons, marathons and completed Beachbody programs like P90x---longing to change her shape a little.  Well, all of her training and exercise couldn’t prepare her for a the afternoon on which she describes “not being able to get my body to do what I wanted it to” and a “headache that wouldn’t go away.”  Scary enough, right?  One month after turning 24, she got it; the diagnosis of a brain tumor. 
Doctors decided to biopsy the tumor.  During the biopsy, she suffered a massive brain bleed and stroke that left her right side severely impacted.  Doctors told her to get things in order and sent her to hospice where she underwent 6 weeks of radiation and 4 years of chemo.  Four years!!  Two years into her treatments, the tumor had reduced in size and this warrior said, “Enough is enough!”  She learned to drive with her left foot, ditched her cane and weaned off her meds. 
While some deficiencies still exist, she’s learned how to make things work---and never lets weakness in her hand or a slightly off-kilter gait slow her down.  In fact, she decided to tackle Insanity….without question, one of the toughest workouts Beachbody offers.  She talks, with humor, of taking on this intense workout with her sister…figuring out how to modify various moves along the way.  

She’s working through P90x again and following a meal plan this time around, too.  In fact, she turned the garage of her new home into a gym so her habit is never out of sight!!  THAT is dedication!  My favorite line in her whole message to me is, “More than that (5lb weight loss), I feel stronger and more balanced.  My sister has lost 15lbs since she moved in with us, too.  I think it’s because I meal plan and food shop and then we both spend Sundays prepping and cooking for the entire week!”
To me, her entire story makes me beyond grateful.  Grateful for my health, my mobility, my family and my outlet for this passion of mine:  Beachbody Coaching!  Stories like hers are an incredible reminder of how important it is to live well, live healthfully and be thankful each and every single day.  Was it easy to learn to drive left-footed?  Probably not.  Were chemo and radiation treatments a picnic?  I’m sure they were awful.  Were the side effects all roses and peaches?  Heck no.  But this gal didn’t let any of that stop her.  It made her push that much harder.  When I’m struggling with a workout move or pushing through some soreness, I think of her and I am inspired. 
Does she inspire you?  I know you haven’t met her---neither have I!  Does her story put things into perspective or what?  Now, I know we will all moan and groan about heavy morning traffic or whine that the line at Starbucks is too long...but if  you pause, in that moment, and find SOMEthing for which to be grateful---and there's ALWAYS something!!!---I bet your perspective will return in a hurry.  If your mind is totally blank, at least think of this post, of this young lady's story.  Hold on it it!

Who is it that moves you to do more?  Be more?  Push more?  What’s the reason behind what you’re doing?  What’s the reason behind what you’re NOT doing?  Maybe that’s a better question.  Because once you’re no longer “not doing” you will be “doing” and that is where changes begin.  Let’s begin.  Today.  Together.



  1. You wrote this article about my friend and old roomate. She was and is such an inspiration to me. I will always remember her positive attitude, dedication to fitness, and her humor. Thank you for writing this!

  2. You're more than welcome. I am so glad I wrote it and can share it with you and anyone else who knew and loved Amanda.
