Tuesday, October 1, 2013

If It All Lines Up

I've been driving my husband's car lately because I'm racking up miles like crazy and we figure with gas $7,687,383 a gallon, let's be smart.  His car (super fancy and all) has satellite radio which is super fun---because, I mean, let's face it; playing Radio ADHD with 934,397 channels is exponentially more fun than doing so with only 439 channels on terrestrial radio.  

Anyway...I'm Howard Stern one minute (what?  he's actually got some interesting guests sometimes) and music from the 40s the next.  And then, I'll find my way to the 80s.  You know you, too, would totally rock out to some Def Leppard or Madonna with little to no shame!  Of course, as I belt out every single word to Salt 'n Pepa's Push It, I start ask myself for the umpteenth time how it is that I can remember all of the words to that song and yet certain passwords I use on a daily basis elude me.

Okay, I'm getting somewhere with all of this preamble, honestly.  I listened to Martha Quinn serving up classic 80s hits and sprinkling in random "remember this" tidbits.  One such tidbit; the Rubik's Cube!  I know you remember this--even if you don't remember (wink wink) the lyrics to Push It (it's fine; there's no judging here). 

My sister had one--and we'd fight over it.  Of course we did.  And we had a neighbor who would twist that thing in seconds and have it totally perfect.  I'm sure he's an engineer making millions at this point.  I never could get that darn thing to cooperate.  There was always a group of misplaced squares; too much red in the yellow.  Blues where there should only be orange and a nearly perfect green side save for those couple of pesky white squares.

Life feels like that to me right about now.  All the aspects trying to line up perfectly...and then there's some random red square.  All things cannot be all good all the time.  That wouldn't be a game, right?  I'm not complaining.  Or maybe I am a little.  Sometimes you just need to complain a little and then move on.  It's not the end of the world.  And frankly, an "everything is always hunky dory all the time never a care in the world ever whatsoever" attitude seems a little unnatural to me.

Abby's doing well at school, work is great for myself and Mark...but I feel like the house is a mess.  The house gets cleaned up, work gets caught up and then I miss submitting a book order for Abby's school.  Menu's planned out, food is prepped and then work blows up and we get home too late to make the meal we planned.  You get the idea.  Sure, we can roll with the punches.  Sure we can be flexible.  And, just as surely, we can allow ourselves a moment of "what the hell, really?" when things get out of whack.

Sometimes I just want all the red to line up, all the orange etc.  But life isn't perfect like that.  The juggle rages on and we scurry around, doing our best to keep the balls in the air.  Best to do it with a smile, but even that isn't always the case.  Bad news creeps in, stress sets up shop in your head, chest and gut and 24 hour days somehow feel like 2POINT4 hour days.  It happens.  And it's not fun---real, but not fun.  

Today, when I had yellows mixed with blues and reds where there were supposed to be only greens, I got a pep talk/text from a friend, took 3 minutes to sit quietly in my car to count my blessings and committed myself to making a positive impact on someone's day---however I could.  Find what works for you to get back to the right frame of mind.  Hell, I will seriously join in if what works for you is a dance party in your car while you're blasting a little Michael Jackson, Debbie Gibson (yes, yes I did!!) or Poison. 

When your Ruik's cube of life is kind of wonky, take a step back.  Put it down, and look at it differently.  Sure, it'd be awesome if it all lines up.  But sometimes*, mixed up things can be pretty awesome too.  Or, to translate that into 80s-speak, "It can like be like totally gnarly, like for real." 

*not always, 24/7, without fail, 100% of the time...see earlier comments  


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