Tuesday, August 6, 2013


trans·for·ma·tion /ˌtransfərˈmāSHən/

A thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance.
A metamorphosis during the life cycle of an animal human (editorial license).
I recently wrote about deciding that August 6 is a holiday of sorts for me.  The date marks the start of a transformation that has been as much about losing things as it has been about gaining things.  

I lost weight, inches, doubts, insecurities and excuses.  I lost guilt (well, some of it...I'm human!), fear and the near constant negative self-talk.

I gained faith, respect for my abilities, strength--mental and physical.  I gained friendships, a second income and the knowledge that I am capable of more than I thought I was.

Every evening during the news, there's a commercial for a local skin center.  The women in the "before" pictures always look so awful.  They must be told, "Come in without a stitch of make-up, don't sleep for days, and if you can imagine the worst thing in the world right before we snap your picture, all the better." 

This is me on August 6, 2012--I'm "that woman."  Do I look miserable or what?  Ugh--and before you wag your finger at me and tell me I shouldn't talk that way about myself, I'll tell you.  I'm being honest.  I look miserable because I was.  I wasn't happy with myself, didn't like how I looked or felt and was so ready for a change (if it could happen overnight, all the better...but that's pie in the sky.  Mmmm, pie....wait, blog!!!).  I knew there was no magic solution, no simple answer, no quick fix...well, that's a lie.  There is a simple answer; it's called WORK HARD, BE DISCIPLINED, BE PATIENT and FOCUS ON YOUR GOALS!  Oh, and work with a Coach.  That helps too!  Really!!

And this is me today, August 6, 2013.  I have to laugh that Abby is in these shots with me...I toyed with the idea of having Mark take another set with her safely out of the frame, but then I realized that having her by my side is PERFECT!  She's usually there when I workout, and tonight, she flexed and said, "I'm doing what you're doing, Mama."  I'm proud that I'm setting this example for her and very proud that I can be her role model. 

Abby and Mark are the two most important reasons that I'm committed to living and teaching about a healthier lifestyle.  I'm sure that you can think of your own reasons why you should do the very same thing.  Understanding the WHY is often the easiest part.  The HOW is what tends to trip people up.

Well, good thing I'm here.  I'm proud to be a Beachbody Coach.  I'm proud to help people chart their own unique course between WHY and HOW.  I'm honored to be part of the successes I hear about on a daily basis from people who've been part of one of my Challenge Groups.  Let's map out your HOW together! 

Tonight, I'm proud to share my transformation and hope that it inspires someone.  I'm not perfect, I'm not even chasing perfection.  What I am doing is learning how to embrace, work through and challenge my imperfections and help others do the same.  And each day, I strive to be a better me.  That seems to be a pretty good approach! 

It's said that if you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life.  I am blessed to have two jobs that allow me to share what I believe to be critically important messages to people on a daily basis.  I love helping others, I love learning new ways to do so and I love knowing that we're working together to provide folks with tools, resources and guidance to live well.

If you're interested in learning more about Coaching, let's talk.  If you're interested in learning more about a Challenge Group or how I can help you find your soul-mate workout, I'm ready to have that conversation.

The question is...are you ready?
Let's Talk!

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