Borrowing--which is what I'm doing (sorta) with this concept.
Befriending--which is exactly what Jay did to me, introducing me to this version (again, sorta) of blogging that I think is pretty cool. Then again, so is that makes sense.
Blinders--sometimes you need to put on your blinders, put your head down and get to work. Focus only on what you need to do. Tune out the noises, the distractions, even the voices in your own head trying to steer you off course. Don't think (or worry!) about what the Joneses are doing. Don't waste energy trying to justify your choice or defend your heart. Put your blinders on and go!
Blessings--I treated myself to a little fall décor a couple weeks ago. A sign that says, "Don't just count your blessings, share them." Amen, amen, amen. Consider all the reasons you have to be grateful. If you can, share. Whether you actually share something (food, money, clothes etc.) or you share the idea of being blessed with someone who could use an uplifting word---share. It's said that it's better to give than to receive. And while there's a lot of truth to that, there's also a lot of truth in the idea that receiving a blessing is pretty great, too. So share. Come on, we all learned how to do that back in pre-school, right?!
Books--I love to read, and I can get on a roll where I'm reading books at a pretty good clip. I can also get off track quickly if I don't have the next book to read lined up and ready to go. I set a goal to read at least 10 pages a day---figure that in a year's time, that'll amount to 3,650 pages. Figure if a book is about 350 pages, that's 10 books. Give or take.
So far this year, I've read 18 books--18!! I've kept a list on my phone, and added #18 to it over the weekend. One silver lining of quarantine has been extra time to slow down and read. Reading, to me, feels like the ultimate indulgence. Just sitting on the deck, lounging in the hammock or snuggled up by the fireplace with a book when there are so many other things I could be--should be--doing. It's bliss, frankly. And I love being transported back to grade school days of "SSR" and transported anywhere the story on the pages will take me. And when I come back, the "could be/should be" stuff is still there, waiting for me!
Beginnings--we all know the quote---all beginnings come from some other beginning's end, right? So I suppose that in order to fully appreciate the beginning, we should give a nod to the ending. Both girls wrapped up milestone school years---in strange circumstances, for sure--this past spring. Alyssa completed Kindergarten and Abby flashed a peace sign to her elementary school years. Fast forward to August and, amidst lots of uncertainty, they both celebrated beginnings. Abby entering middle school and Alyssa taking her place in elementary school. To watch their confidence carry them into the unknown--what a feeling!
Beside me--that's where Mark is. Not behind, not in front...beside. Earlier this month, we celebrated our 17th anniversary. Seventeen years sounds wild to say out loud. And it feels really wild to look at the pictures from that day. There were some very special people beside us that day---some of whom are no longer here. A poignant reminder to be grateful for who's beside me today and make sure he knows how much I love him. Mark has been beside me for 20 years, offering comfort, encouragement, tough love (hey, sometimes!!) and a steadying presence in those moments when I'm spinning out a little. He was beside me as we welcomed Abby and Alyssa into the world and has been beside me as we've prayed over those who've left this life. Through jobs, moves, fights and make-ups--he's there. Having Mark beside me is one of my greatest blessings.
Big Bed--I know there will come a day when our girls don't request family movie nights in "Da Bi' Bed" and there will be nights of silence, uninterrupted by the bad dream or the request for middle of the night snuggles. But until that day comes, I will grant every request and indulge every cuddly whim. Piling in, the four of us, too many blankets and more than enough stuffed animals, is when peace and contentment catches my breath and reminds me of my purpose. In those moments, I'm comfort, I'm safety, I'm love and I'm home.
Being--do, do, do....then do more. Run here, get the girls to this, quick trip to the grocery store, another stop here, games, practice, activities....So. Much. Doing. It's easy to get sucked into the chaotic pace and smacked with a feeling of (gasp) resentment. Suddenly the obligations--that are only obligations because we said YES to them--are met with sighs, clenched jaws and muttered curse words. Even the stuff we love, the stuff we want to do becomes "have to do" stuff---because our minds and bodies are tired. So we decide we "just don't wanna" anymore. Too. Much. Doing. And we're all guilty of it to some extent.
My hat's off to those who are experts at setting (and maintaining!) boundaries and tossing out the confident, guilt-free NO when necessary. I'm learning---and another silver lining of quarantine has been the process of evaluating what we really missed when it was all taken away. We worked to consciously only add in those things as the world started to open up. Worked to spend more time BEING rather than DOING. We're still working on it, honestly. And I suspect we always will be working to strike that balance.
I'll wrap up with a just couple more! B is for baby steps, back at it, blogging again and beneficial. My goal is to share 1-2 posts a week and hopefully some content that makes you smile, brings a little joy or a tiny takeaway. That way, we both win!
I'll wrap up with a just couple more! B is for baby steps, back at it, blogging again and beneficial. My goal is to share 1-2 posts a week and hopefully some content that makes you smile, brings a little joy or a tiny takeaway. That way, we both win!