Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Woe or Whoa?

Last week I heard the story of pretty cool dude named Eduardo Garcia.  He's a chef, who, in 2011, was electrocuted in a freak accident while on a hunting trip.  The incident caused him to lose his left hand.  Thing is, the guy's a classically-trained chef.  Cooking one-handed seemed next to impossible.  He was fitted with a Bluetooth-activated prosthetic and is, unbelievably, back to cooking.

Why am I telling you about him?  Other than it's one of those cool, triumph over tragedy stories?  Well, because one of the things he said of waking up to find that he was without his left hand was--and I'm paraphrasing--"I could look at this as a woe is me moment, or I could flip it around and make it more of a whoa, this is me moment."

I simply love that perspective.  As we close out 2013 and I sit at this computer, I cannot help but see my dream board.  It's hanging right next to the monitor, a daily visual reminder.  Well, it's more of a dream list (being the OCD-esque person I am, I wrote a list, all bulleted and what not) to be honest.  There are 11 things on it.  I achieved 6 of them.  

Not the worst percentage in the world...not the best.  There's one on there that I'd like to give myself half credit for, too...if we're really getting into the fine print.  I listed the names of two people I wanted to help this year; one I did, one not so much.  But anyway, that's not the point, exactly.

The point is this...I could look at that list and focus only on the 5 or so things I didn't achieve.  OR I could celebrate what I did achieve, figure out what I did to achieve those things and see if I can apply those methods to achieve the rest of my list---and then some---in 2014.  Woe is me or whoa, this is me?

As I may have already shared with you, I'm a quoteaholic.  Unabashedly, apologetically, undeniably.  At the bottom of my goal list for 2013 was this gem; "We do not learn by standing still."  And then there's this one sticks with me...in fact, it may be my mantra for this upcoming year.   

Right?  I mean...there simply cannot be enough room in my mind for worry and faith.  Especially with all the useless, trivial knowledge I have shoved up there...but I digress.  This year, when I want to worry, I will try to take a step back, have faith and move forward.  I don't want fear to keep me from moving forward.  Will I always make the best choice?  Maybe not...but I'll be making a choice and moving forward...not standing still and wondering.  

Let's not confuse this with being thoughtful and analytical.  That will still--always!--be part of my DNA.  I am not talking about being reckless and stupid.  There's a distinction to be made here--an important one.  What I'm aiming to do in the new year is find the balance between thinking something through then acting and getting a case of "paralysis by analysis."

Am I frustrated that I didn't achieve all of my goals this past year?  Heck yeah I am...especially because I know that I probably could and should have worked a little harder here and there.  I should and could have done little things differently to end up somewhere else.  But here I am, here is where I ended up.  And "up" is exactly what I'm focusing on...not the ending!  

When the clock strikes midnight (wait, who still has clocks that strike?  My parents have a lovely Grandfather clock in their living room, but I'm quite certain the clock on my phone will only 'strike' if I set an alarm to do so...anyway...), a new year begins just like that.  The changes I'm planning to make won't happen as instantaneously or easily---but they will happen.  And do you know how I know this?  Because I'm going to think on them, work on them and commit to them.

Woe is me or whoa, this is me?  When I close my eyes and make a wish later tonight, I know what I'll be saying...WHOA!  I'm ready for you, 2014.  I'm ready to get to work and make it amazing.  Hope you'll join me on the adventure.

Cheers...and Happy New Year's Eve....when it's all possible! 

 P.S.  Whoa...Work Hard Only Achieve?  Maybe?  I'll think on that one a little more!?



Friday, December 27, 2013

Smart Snacking

Don't you just love counter-intuitive thinking?  Drink more to feel less bloated.  Eat more to lose weight.  It kinda messes with my head, but I know that it works. I don't know the exact ins and outs of the how of it all, but it works.  The thing is, you've gotta eat and drink SMART!  It's okay if you're out there going, "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, that's the secret.  Doritos and beer, bad.  Water and apples, good."  Seriously--have the moment and move on.  Or read on. 

One of my biggest struggles is remembering to snack.  And yes, I totally get the irony here.  Snacking is what got me "into this mess" in the first place.  See previous Doritos and beer comment.  Somehow that kind of snacking was a no-brainer; quite literally.  I ate without any thought whatsoever.  Now, I'm working hard to snack deliberately---you know, keep the ole metabolism revved up all day long and all that jazz---and I'll look into my cooler bag at the end of the day to find carrots and hummus uneaten.  Whoops.  Healthy eating fail.

I decided that some of my issue (Some.  I said some!) is that I've been in a snack rut.  Does this happen to you, too?  Same ole same ole becomes boring and stale.  Well, I happened across a great little list of snacks this morning on a cool site called greatest.com.  None of which are so out of the ordinary that I wouldn't/couldn't have them readily available...it's just a matter of planning, prepping and EATING.  How hard is that!? 

Here were some of the treats featured.  Don't they sound good?

1. Cottage-Style Fruit: Top ½ cup cottage cheese with ½ cup of your favorite fruit. Why not try some superfoods like bananas, mixed berries and melon?

2. Beef or Turkey Jerky: This is one I would have never put on my list.  Really.  Never.  As in never ever ever.  But....this is a chewy snack that's super-portable and keeps fresh for months when packed properly. A one-ounce serving (the size of most single-serve packs) contains about 9 grams of protein!  You've just gotta watch out for the sodium- and sugar-filled brands.  Go for low-sodium, natural, or lightly-flavored options.

3. Mixed Nuts or Trail Mix: Mixed nuts are an easy way to get a delicious dose of protein in a convenient, shelf-stable package. Try a mixed bunch for variety and a combo with dried fruit for some added sweetness. The best bang for your protein buck? Almonds and pistachios are high up there in protein while comparably lower in saturated fat than their nutty peers.  Again, keep an eye on sodium and serving size here.  This is easily addictive and, even if it's good for you, too much is too much.

4. Hard-Boiled Egg: Budget-friendly and crammed with nutrients, eggs are one of the best ways to get a healthy dose of protein. Try hard boiling and pre-peeling a dozen on Sundays when you do your meal prep (it's not just for meals anymore!) and throw one in a small container each day for an easy on-the-go snack. Need a little more than the egg alone?  Slice one and serve it atop a piece of whole-wheat bread/toast.

5. Nut Butter Boat: Conjuring up memories of Girl Scout days with this one.  Choose a nut butter (almond, peanut, or cashew, perhaps?) and load a few celery sticks with 1 tablespoon of it.  Top with a few whole almonds or raisins--even craisins if you wanna get "craizy" with your snack. Don't love celery?  Use a hollowed-out an apple instead!

6. Easy Oatmeal Raisin Cookie: I saw "cookie" in the title, and that was all it took.  How delicious does this sound?  In a microwave-safe bowl (or mug), mix ¼ cup oats, 1 teaspoon brown sugar, 1 tablespoon flour (of your choice), 1 egg white, ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract, 1/4 teaspoon baking powder, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, and 1 tablespoon raisins. Flatten mixture into bottom of bowl and microwave on high for 45 seconds. Cool, pop it out of the bowl, and enjoy!  What!!??

7. Edamame Poppers: Did you know that ONE CUP of the pods offers about 17 grams of protein?  That'll keep you going. Buy fresh and steam them for about 6 minutes, or use the pre-cooked frozen variety and briefly microwave to defrost (about 2 minutes) before popping your way to a happy snack.

8. Hummus Dippers: Need another way to use your favorite travel coffee mug: Put 2 tablespoons of a favorite hummus in the bottom of the container. Stick a handful of vegetable sticks (carrots, celery, and snow peas are a great mix!) vertically in the hummus, screw on the top, and throw in a purse or gym bag for an easy, on-the-go, super-healthy snack.

9. Banana Nutter: What goes better together?  Grab a rice cake (brown rice for extra fiber points!), top it with 2 tablespoons of your favorite nut butter and half a sliced banana, sliced. Sprinkle a dash of cinnamon to liven--and health!--it up even more.

10. “Get Greek” Berry Parfait: Ditch the fruit on the bottom varieties; all that sugar totally derails your best efforts.  Instead, top ½ cup plain Greek yogurt with ½ cup fresh berries and 1 tablespoon sliced roasted almonds.  Crunch, protein...mmm!

11. Grape-and-Cheese Sticks: Dice a half-inch thick slice of cheddar cheese into squares (you should end up with about 6 small pieces, equaling about 1 ounce) and rinse 6 grapes--red or green, your call. On 6 toothpicks, stack the grape and cheese.  Boom...healthy, easy and so poppable.  Just 1 ounce of reduced-fat cheddar offers 8 grams of protein, and pairs really well with the contrast with sweet grapes.

12. Almond Butter Toast Sticks: Return of the travel mug reinvented.  Toast (or bake) 2 slices of whole-grain bread, and cut into ½-inch strips. Place 2 tablespoons of almond butter (or another nut butter) in the bottom of a container with a top, stick the toast sticks in vertically, and sprinkle with cinnamon. Screw on the top and head out the door!

13. Perfect Little Parfait: Top ½ cup nonfat Greek yogurt with a handful of fruit (fresh or frozen) and a drizzle of honey. Add 2 tablespoons of toasted oats for a protein-packed crunch!

14. Mini Black-Bean Mash Taco: So loving this idea.  Yum.  Heat ½ cup of black beans in the microwave with 1 tablespoon of salsa. Mash with a fork and fold it inside a small (4 to 6-inch) soft tortilla. Store in a small container for easy transport.

 Okay, that's 14 yummy, healthy and easy snacks.  That's one a day for 2 weeks before you start repeating.  Although, my guess is you'll start repeating a little sooner once you find a favorite.  But I suppose that's how we get into the dreaded "food rut" isn't it?  Well, no matter...when you get "bored" just try another one on the list.  


Monday, December 23, 2013

In A Minute

I've lost track of the amount of times in the past three weeks that I have heard All I Want for Christmas is You by Mariah Carey.  I change the station, flip on satellite, pop in a CD (gasp! yes, CDs) and yet it still haunts me.  All I want for Christmas is for that song to go away.  And really, that's not bah-humbug of me.  Give me a solid rendition of Silent Night or Joy to the World and I'll have that puppy on repeat.  Strike up one hair-raising, chillbump-inducing version of the Hallelujah Chorus and I'm a puddle of tears and memories.  Even the Carpenters get some serious consideration before I surf for something else.  But Mariah, I'm sorry, honey.  You've gotta go.

So that was a long way around the idea of losing track---see, I've lost track again.  Clearly this is a trend.  In addition to losing track of how many times I've rolled my eyes and wished for Mrs. Nick Cannon to hush, I've also lost track of how many times I've issued the ever-popular Momism, "In a minute."  Oh my goodness.  I'm quite certain I've even said "in a minute" in my sleep or when a request that might illicit such a response wasn't even made.  Yeah.  'Tis the season.

And you know what?  I feel bad.  But I don't feel really bad.  Such a distinction there.  Did you catch it?  Yeah--like splitting damn hairs.  See, I don't feel really bad because I simply cannot do every single thing at the same exact moment.  Whoa--admission time.  Who can?  I mean, it's just not even something I want to aim for.  Make breakfast casserole, set the table, clean the floors, make the cookies, package said cookies...all with promises of help from a pint-sized munchkin who means well but ends up deserting me 15 minutes into the chore.  I can't blame her; making a mess in the family room, playing store (how did she get her hands on real, live gift cards anyway!!) and wrapping anything she can find and presenting it to me in a grand gesture of Christmas is way more fun than counting out cookies into Rubbermaid containers. I get it.  As I write this, she's wandered downstairs to build a fort.  Go for it, honey.  Go. For.  It.

I'm teaching her the value of independent play, right?  I mean, she can entertain herself for a good while as I do whatever it is that needs to get done.  It's actually fun to watch her and listen in on her imagination at play.  And, in her own way, that is super helpful.  Beats trying to set a pretty dining room table that includes crayons at each setting and shnibbles of paper strewn about like confetti.  On second thought....

This time of year, more than any other, gives me tremendous anxiety.  Have I made enough memories?  Are we capturing them all properly?  Is she going to be happy with this experience or this adventure.  It's hard to shut off the ugly Comparison Monster; he sucks.  So you got your kid 7,348,379,389,340,398 gifts.  And they're all perfectly wrapped in themed paper, bows made like the ones on those stupid Lexus commercials.  Yeah.  That's great.  Wait, is it?  Am I a jerk because my kid only has 7,349,379,389,340,397 gifts?  Crap.  I should go back out.  But when am I going to do that?  Awe man...I'm screwed.  

Admit it; you've fallen into that trap at least once, too.  It takes some real SOMETHING to rise above, gouge out the eyes of that horrible monster and be totally confident in the 4 gifts you've wrapped (not perfectly!) and placed (with LOVE!) under the (now wilting because you had to get it immediately after Thanksgiving) tree.  And you know what?  That leaves a whole lot more time to eat ooey, gooey Monkey Bread while sitting at that pretty dining room table.  Oh, who am I kidding--we eat it while sitting in a pile of wrapping paper while wearing PJs and sporting bed head.  Yep.  That's how we roll.

All the "in a minutes" are hopefully adding up to one very magical Christmas.  Even if a huge part of the magic is watching Mama's anxiety melt away because the family room is clean or the dining room table does look fancier than normal.  Christmas isn't--and shouldn't be--"just another day" around here.  I can't discount my mental health; I mean, all the coconut macaroons and snickerdoodles won't matter a lick if I've totally lost my mind in the process, right?

She'll forgive the upmpteenth "in a minute" when she realizes that what I was doing in that minute was wrapping a present or washing the flannel sheets covered in snowmen that I secretly purchased and will slip on her bed while she's getting into the car to leave for church on Christmas Eve.  When I say "in a minute" it is in those 60 seconds that I'm on the iPad trying to find a cookie recipe from The Pioneer Woman--who has suddenly become your favorite person on TV (sorry, Doc McStuffins!).  "In a minute" translates into sneaking away to pen a note from Ozzie, our Elf, to wish her a happy first day of winter.  The joyful expression on her face when she finds it erases the memory of "just a minute" for both of us.

Working two jobs, even though I do like them both...a lot...maintaining our home, being a good wife, being a friend, sister, daughter and all the other things I'm required to be in any given day can make my head spin a little.  Add in Christmas, and it seems as if there's an impending explosion on any given day.  And I've said it before---many times.  I'm not special, unique or looking for pity or accolades.  It's the way it is.  And in the craziness, I find moments of piece---one "just a minute" at a time.

So, Mariah...we have very different ideas of what we want for Christmas.  Really--you're surprised?  All I want for Christmas is my family, whole and happy together in one joyful, peaceful place.  And maybe for my (self-imposed) stress level to drop.  And, one more thing...if the local stations could maybe play your song a little less often, that'd be swell.  Sorry, but it's true.  

This blog was supposed to be all about traditions.  But you know what, that one will come.  "In a minute."   



Sunday, December 15, 2013

Follow the Leader

Remember playing tag when you were little?  You’d run like crazy trying to catch the other person, thereby making them “it” for the next round.  Or how about Follow the Leader?  You’d do whatever the person “in front” was doing until they tapped the next person to be the leader.  With a 4 year old in our house, we’re much more into Hide ‘n Seek only it’s more like “Hide, giggle and pretend Mommy can’t see me as I hide in pretty much plain sight” but whatever!  For the past week or so, I’ve been feeling a little like I have been playing more follow the leader than normal…and not with my kiddo.

I was sending an email to a client when I typed the following sentence:  “I’ve been a Coach for over a year now, and I’m committed to helping you achieve your health and wellness goals.”  It was the “over a year now” part that got me.  Has it really been over a year?  Have I really been in this business for more than 12 months?  Wow.

During that time, I’ve been fortunate to meet and interact with some really neat people.  There are people who’ve been Coaching longer than I have and there are people who joined after I did, so I got to wondering; Where, exactly, do I fit in?  I can’t keep relying on the “I’m the new kid here” response, right?  I mean, I have a lot to learn still, but I also have a lot to teach.  And that’s exciting.

If this is a game of follow the leader, I suppose I should turn around and see---are others following me?  If the answer is YES, guess what…I’m a leader!  And I better start acting more like one.  Embrace the role.  Own it.  Make it mine.  And that’s what’s so much fun; making it—this role, this business, this opportunity---mine means it’s whatever I want it to be.  So let’s get started…again!

I am committing to changing a few things around here—and by “here” I mean me.  I’m going to reconnect with daily personal development.  Whether it’s reading, listening to a call or watching a video, I’m carving out at least 30 minutes EVERY DAY to work on that. 

And I’m going to get back to regular communications with my Team.  That’s right, my Team.  Sometimes it’s hard to remember that I have a Team, too.  While I’m part of a very large Team, and my own Team is small, all the more reason to devote time and energy to developing them and helping them each create their own vision/version of success.

There’s a great story about a self-made success in this business.  She’s killing it; and when she started, she had no support.  No upline Coach to help her, no one to show her the ropes.  And she’s now breaking all kinds of records with this fantastic business.  And when I hear it, I start a monstrous debate in my mind as to whether or not I could do that—succeed only on my own, without help. 

Depending on the day (and even the moment), the answer differs.  And so does my reaction to the answer.  There are days I convince myself I’m a total failure because I can’t see myself doing what she did.  And then I feel bad that I’m not built like that.  News flash; I’m not her, and she’s not me!  So I’m going to be me and do what I can, how I can. 

Fortunately, I don’t have to find out what it’s like to be in this alone, because I have tons of support.  It’s about maximizing that help and being willing to understand that I need it and ask for it.  Support comes from all sorts of places, too.  So I’m vowing to be more open to the various sources of help and encouragement.  Embracing it all and remembering that everyone has something to teach me.  Be a sponge, right!?

Finally, I’m going to get back to setting goals, making time to work every single day and remember why I got started in the first place.  Sure there are a million other things I could be doing at any given moment.  But the real question is, are they helping me towards my goals.  If they’re not, maybe they need to be put on hold just for a bit.  I’m not suggesting that I get totally narrow-focused and forget to do anything but work, but I do know that I need to make my work and my goals priorities---or they’ll never happen. 

If that perky 4 year old wants to play Hide ‘n Seek, we’ll play; and I’ll work later.  But I will work.  Who knows, maybe I’ll get a great game of Follow the Leader going and have fun with that, too.

If you'd like to be part of this adventure, I welcome you to do so.  Reach out, connect, chat...together we will figure out the best next steps, set great goals and work our buns off to get where we want to be!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Bundle UP...Hunker DOWN

Rain, snow, sleet, freezing rain, lumpy rain...whatever this stuff is falling from the sky, it sure has me thinking soup.  But thinking it won't MAKE it, so I'm going to toss this recipe up here and then get in the kitchen to throw a pot of it together.  
It's hearty, easy and perfect to eat out of a big mug.  Wrap yourself in a blanket, flip the channel to a guilty pleasure holiday movie (you know you see one with Jennie Garth and you stop...at least for a second!!) and enjoy!  The soup.  And the movie, I guess.

Thanks to my Mom for sharing.  She got it from her brother who got it from his boss.  And now you're getting it from me.  The recipe.  Not the soup itself.  That you'll have to make.  But it's easy, remember?  I'm making this now so tomorrow, when it's even uglier outside, all I have to do is ladle some out and heat it up.  Mmmmm!

Tortellini Soup

2 48oz cans of low sodium chicken broth
1 28 oz can diced tomatoes
1 box frozen spinach
2 13 oz bags of frozen cheese tortellini
4 cloves of garlic (that was a little much for me, so I scaled it back and it was fine.  My Mom omitted it altogether and still, fine!)
1 medium yellow onion
2 tbsp olive oil
Salt & pepper to taste
Grated Parmesan cheese

Dice the onion
Saute the garlic in olive oil
Add diced onion, spinach, tomatoes (undrained) and 2 cans of chicken broth
Bring to a boil, the reduce heat to low
Add tortellini, simmer 7-10 minutes until they start to float
Season to taste (beware that parm is pretty salty, so go easy on the white stuff!)
Serve with freshly grated cheese on top and maybe a piece of toasty, hearty wheat bread!

Can I get 2%?

Everyone's always asking for 100%.  Or even 110%.  As if that's your best effort.  Well, maybe 2% is your best effort?!  Wait, that's not right.  I think you should give 100% for 2% of your...oh, hell.....nevermind!

If a one hour workout is 4% of your day, then a 30 minute workout is a whopping 2% of your day.  Yes, I'm aware that I just did some (admittedly simple) math there.  Feel free to send a congratulatory text.  I'm only sort of kidding.

We are pretty excited to announce that Tony Horton (yes, THAT Tony Horton) has revolutionized workouts again--this time, bringing us P90x3.  Imagine all the great things about P90x, the best of P90x2 AND the added bonus of committing just 30 minutes a day to a killer workout.  Where do I sign up!? Check it out here!

Actually, you can sign up with me.  I've got access to an exclusive group for this incredible new workout, and if you want a spot, you've gotta let me know.

This program is designed to help you get an effective workout that you'll enjoy without holding you prisoner at the gym for hours on end.  Don't believe me?  Did you see the results in that video?  Come on...those abs?  Yes, please! 

Beachbody workouts have proven to be successful time and time again---when combined with your desire, your commitment and hard work.  It's a combination that cannot be denied, and I'm super excited to bring this new addition to your home library.

The program will be available on December 10.  Mark your calendars, set an alarm on your phone...do whatever you have to do to remember to add this to your holiday shopping list.  Isn't there a rule about buying yourself something when you're doing all the shopping?  I thought so (or at least I always do!).  If you order on the 10th, you'll have the program before Christmas and can get a jump on all those people who are waiting until January 1 to start something.  And really, if you're waiting until then, chances are all you're really doing is making the BEFORE number that much bigger and making your job that much harder.  Don't do that...start NOW!

Challenge Packs are available for P90X3....you'll get a schedule to follow, nutrition planning and Shakeology all for $180.  90 days, 30 minutes a day....this is fantastic.  Let's talk about how you can get your hands on it!