Why am I telling you about him? Other than it's one of those cool, triumph over tragedy stories? Well, because one of the things he said of waking up to find that he was without his left hand was--and I'm paraphrasing--"I could look at this as a woe is me moment, or I could flip it around and make it more of a whoa, this is me moment."
I simply love that perspective. As we close out 2013 and I sit at this computer, I cannot help but see my dream board. It's hanging right next to the monitor, a daily visual reminder. Well, it's more of a dream list (being the OCD-esque person I am, I wrote a list, all bulleted and what not) to be honest. There are 11 things on it. I achieved 6 of them.
Not the worst percentage in the world...not the best. There's one on there that I'd like to give myself half credit for, too...if we're really getting into the fine print. I listed the names of two people I wanted to help this year; one I did, one not so much. But anyway, that's not the point, exactly.
The point is this...I could look at that list and focus only on the 5 or so things I didn't achieve. OR I could celebrate what I did achieve, figure out what I did to achieve those things and see if I can apply those methods to achieve the rest of my list---and then some---in 2014. Woe is me or whoa, this is me?
As I may have already shared with you, I'm a quoteaholic. Unabashedly, apologetically, undeniably. At the bottom of my goal list for 2013 was this gem; "We do not learn by standing still." And then there's this one sticks with me...in fact, it may be my mantra for this upcoming year.
Right? I mean...there simply cannot be enough room in my mind for worry and faith. Especially with all the useless, trivial knowledge I have shoved up there...but I digress. This year, when I want to worry, I will try to take a step back, have faith and move forward. I don't want fear to keep me from moving forward. Will I always make the best choice? Maybe not...but I'll be making a choice and moving forward...not standing still and wondering.
Let's not confuse this with being thoughtful and analytical. That will still--always!--be part of my DNA. I am not talking about being reckless and stupid. There's a distinction to be made here--an important one. What I'm aiming to do in the new year is find the balance between thinking something through then acting and getting a case of "paralysis by analysis."
Am I frustrated that I didn't achieve all of my goals this past year? Heck yeah I am...especially because I know that I probably could and should have worked a little harder here and there. I should and could have done little things differently to end up somewhere else. But here I am, here is where I ended up. And "up" is exactly what I'm focusing on...not the ending!
When the clock strikes midnight (wait, who still has clocks that strike? My parents have a lovely Grandfather clock in their living room, but I'm quite certain the clock on my phone will only 'strike' if I set an alarm to do so...anyway...), a new year begins just like that. The changes I'm planning to make won't happen as instantaneously or easily---but they will happen. And do you know how I know this? Because I'm going to think on them, work on them and commit to them.
Woe is me or whoa, this is me? When I close my eyes and make a wish later tonight, I know what I'll be saying...WHOA! I'm ready for you, 2014. I'm ready to get to work and make it amazing. Hope you'll join me on the adventure.
Cheers...and Happy New Year's Eve....when it's all possible!
P.S. Whoa...Work Hard Only Achieve? Maybe? I'll think on that one a little more!?